PRPS Presents: What's Your Purpose?

Let us introduce to you,
Mr. Dove Shore
Los Angeles tends to be a city where creative spirits come to blossom; the dreamers who dare to be a part of the lifestyle congregate in order to accomplish goals bigger than they’ve ever imagined, and those who work hard enough find themselves in places they could never believe.
More often than not, we pay close attention to the models and the actors, the reality stars, and the bloggers with thousands of followers; but let us introduce you to a man who is immensely impressive in the realm of his industry: Mr. Dove Shore.
Dove on set wearing PRPS Deimos jeans.
Dove, who has a portfolio that speaks volumes by itself, recently joined us to shoot the PRPS Noir SS16 lookbook and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to sit down with him and discuss his journey to master photographer.
“I was more determined to be a director. When I went to college I went to study film, and part of studying film was doing some photography classes,” Dove enlightened us when asked about taking the first strides towards his dream. “I was sitting in no man’s land for almost five years,” shared Shore. It wasn’t until what he likes to describe as a “freak situation” that more than just the lens clicked.
Dove on set wearing PRPS Deimos jeans.
His roommate was starting a band and invited Dove to the studio to come listen. On his way, he stopped by Urban Outfitters and purchased a plastic camera that shot four sequential photos. The photos, after being developed, struck a chord inside Dove: this is something he could pursue.
When Dove realized pursuing photography as a career could not only fulfill him creatively but also pay the bills he decided to “clear away all the bullshit of [his] life” and cut out everything he was doing that was wasting time. “It was an inspirational time in my life… I had photography to focus on with 100% of my attention,” Shore informed us.
“That was almost twelve years ago today,” Dove recalls as we wrapped up our conversation with him. Twelve years ago that day, he had all three things he equates his success to: “A clear mind, a clear focus, and a strong passion.”
So take it as a lesson learned: find and pursue your passion, eliminate all wasteful habits that may deter you from the path to success, and then charge it hard.